How To Lose Inches Off Waist And Successfully Keep It Off

Whether it is the forthcoming Holiday season, a big affair coming up, just your personal resolve to lose a few pounds, or, your long, unfulfilled desire to lose inches off your waist, there are good ways and bad ways that you can lose weight.
Some fad diets will tell you to skip certain food groups and eat more or exclusively another. You may skip meals deliberately to cut down fast. Or, even take laxatives to empty your bowels more frequently than usual.
There is one tried and tested way to lose inches off your waist fast and keep it that way – healthy eating. It may be old-fashioned and even hard to maintain, but it delivers results that last and it is safe too.
Your Healthy Eating Guide To Lose Inches Off Your Waist
Losing inches off the waist does not involve a magic pill that you swallow to see immediate results right here, right now.
Instead, it involves unlearning eating habits and lifestyles that you’ve been wired with so that you can retrain your mind and body to adopt practices that lead you to healthier routines. You want these healthier habits to become a norm.
Here’s how you can start to lose inches off your waist and successfully keep it off:
1. Eat As Fresh As Possible
Keep your fresh stock good for 3 days so you’ll never run out of healthy food to eat, but have just enough to keep them teeming with freshness.
They may be all fresh but they are not all the same though. Some fruits and veggies are just better than others when it comes to giving you tiptop nutrition with much fewer calories and sugars than most.
Here are the healthiest veggies you can pick up for your plan to lose inches off your waist: chilis, chili peppers, leafy greens, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, bean sprouts, eggplants, herbs, and spices.
The healthiest fruits for safe weight loss are acai berries, blueberries, oranges, kiwis, bananas, papayas, Graviola, avocados, mangoes, grapefruit, cranberries, and pineapples.
2. Eat As Raw As Possible
It’s not as easy as it seems to throw varying ingredients together every single day. You may be marketing foods that are fresh and healthy but not necessarily getting these in their ideal serving conditions.
As a rule of thumb, when it comes to your fruits and veggies, the rawer you can get, the better. Keep in mind that the minute you cook these foods, they start to heat up and lose a significant amount of their nutritive value.
The best way to cook your food is to boil and steam. The worst way to serve them up is fried.
3. Figure Out How Many Calories You Need In A Day
An average adult woman will need between 1,800 to 2,500 calories daily. Your age, health condition, and whether you are physically active or not should also be considered. Find out here how many calories should you really have in a day.
If you’re unsure, use this calorie calculator for a rough estimation, or consult with a nutritionist to get a healthy head start and reminders about how you can lose weight fast and safely.
4. Spread The Calories Throughout The Day
Eat throughout, assigning the most number of calories for breakfast – the meal you should never skip. Then, spread out the remainder throughout the day with much less of your calories finding their way to your dinner plate.
For example, here is how I would spread 2,000 calories throughout the day:
- Breakfast at 7 AM – 700 calories;
- Snack at 10 AM – 250 calories;
- Lunch at 1 PM – 500 calories;
- Snack at 3 PM – 150 calories;
- Dinner at 5 PM – 300 calories;
- Snack at 7 PM – 100 calories.
5. Divide The Calories In Your Plate
Now that you’ve set your calories per meal, focus on your plate.
Roughly, the amount of vegetables and fruits you need in one serving is equivalent to that space on your palms when you put them up together to resemble a bowl. If you can’t eat that much, blend them or juice them.
Your carbs and proteins should be no more than the size of your fist. Choosing where you derive these nutrients makes a lot of difference too. Get your carbs from mostly whole grains and your proteins from poultry or fish and a little bit of animal meat.
Fats are a must too, and you only need no more than the size of one pinkie. Some healthy fats are avocados, nuts, chia seeds, or olive oil.
6 Snack Mindfully
It is advisable to snack in between meals. Nuts, dehydrated fruits, dark chocolates, yogurt, unflavored popcorn, oatmeal, salads, wraps, and fresh veggie nibbles with dips are all great for snacking.
Whatever you plan to have for break time, make sure it’s not a biscuit, not a bag of chips, it’s not wrapped up in some fancy bag that you can pick up at the grocery, and it isn’t made with creams and sweets.
7 Don’t Train Just Your Waist
In order to lose inches off the waist, you need to do exercises that involve your entire body, instead of focusing only on crunches and sit-ups.
As you might already know, you can’t spot-reduce fat. When you lose belly fat, you lose it from the entire body, not just around your waist area.
So focus on HIIT workouts that target your entire body, to eventually lose weight overall. This way you’ll be able to see your belly shrinking every week.
Consciously follow these 7 tips to lose inches off the waist, and if you are successful, you don’t only get the figure that you want, you also get the body that you deserve for the rest of your life.