Forget Weight Watchers And Focus On Your Hormonal Imbalance Instead

Maybe you know it, maybe you don’t; but one thing is sure: hormonal imbalance plays an essential role in weight loss. Not only that scientists sustain this claim, but I’m going to share one of my personal experiences regarding this common issue.
Recently I had a patient who came to visit my practice. He made great money and had a very rewarding career as an attorney. But his health was suffering badly due to a poor quality lifestyle.
And after meeting earlier last year to try to create a balance in his life with a healthy nutritional regimen and regular exercise, he experienced nothing but a steady decline in his health.
Why? If this sounds like a similar story, know that you’re not alone.
In fact, statistics show that regular weight loss techniques, including dieting and exercise, leave you with a 5% chance of long-term, sustainable weight loss after 5 years or more.
So what’s the secret?
3 Steps To Sustainable Weight Loss
In my clinical experience over the years, patients like the one mentioned here end up achieving long-term, sustainable weight loss results by doing these three things:
- Dedicate a lot of time and energy to eating a healthy nutrition.
- Spend time working out every day.
- Treat hormonal imbalance by balancing key hormones.
It’s likely you’ve heard of the first two before, but why is it important to balance hormones? And could you achieve a weight loss goal without it?
Do you need more than dieting and exercise to lose weight? The truth is: Yes, but not for long.
The reason is that having a hormonal imbalance in any of your primary hormones plays a key role in disrupting your metabolic function. This can cause you to store fat in your body, amongst many other health issues.
By restoring your energy producing hormones such as thyroid, DHEA, testosterone (even in females), and pregnenolone, you can reboot your body’s natural ability to process energy (glucose, sucrose, fructose) efficiently – not storing it as fat.
Hormonal Imbalance – A Case Study
To illustrate the importance of having balanced hormones to achieve lasting weight loss success, let’s go back to my patient.
In my patient’s case, I found through an advanced blood screening test that many of his energy producing hormones were deficient. Those hormones included thyroid, testosterone, pregnenolone, and DHEA. And he was deficient in vitamin D and B12.
But for this particular patient – with his history and overall health level – it was his unbalanced thyroid and testosterone that was creating a metabolic disruption and continued weight gain.
Let’s take a closer look…
Thyroid, the power plant of the cell, is normally found in much higher levels in your youth. Teens often have a higher level of free T3 – the active thyroid hormone – than adults.
This causes a problem for weight loss because there is a dramatic difference when you’re on the low end versus the high end of the reference range.
And then there was his testosterone imbalance.
Testosterone Imbalance
The testosterone hormone plays a key role in developing lean muscle mass, which is essential for a higher metabolic rate. And when you have more muscle in your body, you tend to burn more calories at rest – without exercise!
The challenge many men and women face after the age of 25 is, in many cases, a dramatic age-related decline in testosterone levels. (Yes ladies, testosterone is essential for you as well!)
Testosterone levels in men over the age of 40 declines by about 1% annually and production decelerates steeply past their 60s. Women also suffer similar reductions.
But since this is the dominant hormone in males, having decreased testosterone production manifests itself with symptoms such as:
- Reduced libido;
- Muscle wasting;
- Lethargy;
- Reduced bone density;
- Anemia.
And it was no different for my patient.
So how did I correct his thyroid and testosterone imbalance, and cure his weight loss woes?
He was started on a robust weight loss plan which included supplementation of hormones and the optimization of their levels, and a whole food plant-based diet.
Together, these helped reverse the metabolic dysfunction in his body – including insulin resistance, and successfully lowered his cholesterol, blood sugar, and HgA1c.
Sustained Weight Loss Requires Hormone Balancing
I would love to give you more exact details as to the levels of hormones and specific diet plan that helped my patient achieve his dreams. But the truth is that your hormones and your weight loss are YOUR journey.
The real key to success is seeking professional advice and customized treatment options that suit YOUR requirement.
Because what worked for my patient, won’t work for you.
So if you are looking to lose weight, improve energy, reverse metabolic diseases, and improve your quality of life, don’t buy into the fad diets and workout regimes.
Consider the holistic combination of nutrition therapy, fitness, and hormone balancing instead.