Hilary Duff Does Piloxing To Lose Weight

Hilary Duff Lost Weight After Birth Doing Piloxing Exercises
Hilary Duff, actress of 25 years, is the mother of a little boy, Luke, aged one year. After birth, on 20 March 2012, she tried to do sports and eat healthy to get off extra pounds and to tone the body.
“I have never needed to take off so many pounds. Do not get rid of them so easily, I love to do sports, but do not know how to stick on a diet. ”
Hilary Duff has achieved her goal of many hours of sport, and the pictures below clearly show how much fit and flexible is she. Although she worked slow to get rid of pounds taken during pregnancy, she had fun in gym class, and now, because she is maintaining fit, she affords to eat anything.
“I finally have good time and my old clothes fits me. It took me a year and it was harder than I expected. But I feel very good.” Says the actress who is married to athlete Mike Comrie.
What is the secret of her new figures? As it turns out, Hilary Duff has practiced more piloxing after giving birth. An hour of piloxing is very exhilarating, because it combines pilates, boxing and even dance.
Now the star is ready to take on new roles, it is likely to return to the big screen with the film “Flock of Dudes”.