6 Tips For Buying And Eating Healthy, Sustainable Meat

Wanna know how to get healthy, sustainable meat to put on the table for your whole family? Check out these tips!
In a world of varying dietary requirements, there are many different food sources, products, and recipes.
The demand for certain products such as meat is high and mass production lines have stepped in to ensure all needs are met.
Non-ethical, non-sustainable, and less healthy meats are readily available on the food market and are usually sold at cheaper prices.
However, there are many farmers such as Seven Sons who are working to produce and sell better quality meat.
If you are interested in keeping yourself and the environment healthy, then take a look at these 6 tips for buying and eating healthy, sustainable meat.
How To Choose Sustainable Meat
Here are a few tips to help you choose healthy, sustainable meat for your beloved family:
1. Find Ethical Producers
There is no better way to buy meat than via an ethical source. Buying directly from farms or farm shops is one great way to find more natural meat.
However, you can also buy good meat in supermarkets, but you have to make sure you check the labels and the seller’s values.
Not all labels truthfully indicate the nature of the product being sold. Many large producers or factory farmers have little concern for the welfare of animals as mass-produced meat often has better returns and can keep orders flowing.
However, buying ethically sourced meat and sticking to strong values will be better for the environment and your health.
2. Eat Grass-Fed Produce
Many animals today are fed large amounts of grain so they grow faster. Few animals have the opportunity to have a large grass-based diet.
Grass-fed animals grow at a natural pace and their meat is, therefore, more natural and of better quality. In the same way, your body will appreciate more natural meats in its own system.
Eating pure meat is healthier for your own digestive system and you’ll feel better knowing that the animal you’re eating had a happy, healthy life.
3. Free-Range Only
Free-range animals have space to roam and are often rotated around land rather than being trapped in a confining barn.
Rather than being stuffed in cramped conditions, animals have the freedom to wander outdoors.
However, it’s important to be cautious when buying free-range meat because the labels can be misleading.
For some companies, free-range could simply mean more freedom indoors. Real free-range meat keeps animals living as they should, able to wander and graze outside.
Fewer numbers of animals mean more space and also more sustainability and overall responsibility. Healthy meat bred outdoors will also be healthier for you and taste better.
4. Avoid Overly Processed Meats
Processed meats go through many stages before being ready for sale. While delicious to some and inexpensive, processed meats packed with salt and chemicals are less healthy for you.
This doesn’t mean never having them; it just means limited consumption and choosing better quality than the cheap, mass-produced meats.
5. Portion Size
If the population demanded less meat, then less would need to be produced.
If everyone had meat twice a week and kept portion sizes reasonable, the pressures on meat production would lessen. People would be healthier, as would the environment.
6. Cut Down On Waste
Linking to this point is the problem of food waste. Thousands of pounds of food are wasted every week by households around the world.
Buy meat that you plan to eat within a few days to limit the probability that you won’t use it before the use-by date.
Keep or donate leftovers, check dates, and don’t waste bones that could be used for broths.
By cutting down on waste, you will be eating and buying meat responsibly. This step alone has the potential to change your entire life.
Hopefully, these tips will help you put the right meat on the table so that your entire family gets healthy, happy, and environment-friendly.