Figuring Out What’s Causing Your Health Symptoms

Are you a person who gets sick pretty often without an obvious reason? Here’s how you can identify your health symptoms and their causes.
There are a lot of cases where you get sick and there just isn’t anything you can do about it.
From diseases that run in your family to getting exposed to germs at the grocery store, it’s normal to get sick every once in a while.
However, if you feel like you’re getting colds all the time or you’re tired of dealing with recurring headaches, there could be an underlying reason for your health symptoms.
The Main Causes Of Your Health Symptoms
Here is how you can identify the factors that might trigger your health symptoms:
1. Something That You Were Exposed To In The Past
Although there isn’t always a specific reason why you developed a serious illness, like cancer, there are cases where you can pinpoint what caused your bad health.
Coal miners are a well-known example. By working in the mines in close proximity to coal dust, often without face coverings, many miners develop lung diseases.
It’s not just coal mines that can cause illness. Another example involves the crews who worked at ground zero after the 9/11 attacks in New York City.
It took more than nine months to clear debris from the area, exposing those who live and work there to asbestos, lead, and mercury.
It’s important to pinpoint the cause of your illness if you can because it’s possible that an attorney can help. You may be able to settle with a company or receive benefits if you can prove what caused your condition.
2. The Quality Of The Air In Your Home
Having trouble breathing? It can be very difficult to go about your daily life if you can’t breathe through your nose.
The quality of the air you breathe could be the culprit. But bad air quality can affect your health in more ways than just causing an allergic reaction. It can cause headaches, and even serious illnesses, like lung cancer.
You expect that you might not be breathing the best air when you’re out and about, but it’s also the case that you could be breathing poor air inside your home.
Here are just some of the pollutants you might find in your house include:
- Household chemicals;
- Building materials, like asbestos or lead;
- Pollen;
- Mold;
- Tobacco smoke.
Boost the quality of the air in your home by not using heavily scented air fresheners, make sure you have a functioning carbon monoxide detector, and use fewer harsh cleaners.
3. Your Job
The air quality at your job can make a difference in your health. But it’s also true that some jobs are just germier than others, which means they are more likely to make you sick.
Some are obvious. For example, you would expect that teachers and nurses would be exposed to more germs and deal with more illnesses throughout the year.
But did you know that computer repair technicians, cashiers, and meatpackers are exposed to lots of germs too?
Don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re better off if you work from home either. Many home offices are germier than workplace offices because they are cleaned less often.
4. How You Cope With Stress
A little stress can be a good thing. It can motivate you to do important things, but most of us aren’t dealing with the good kind of stress.
If you’re dealing with a lot of stress in your life, and you aren’t dealing with it well, it could be causing some of your health symptoms.
Some troubles you may be having if you’re dealing with unhealthy amounts of stress include things like headaches, high blood sugar, and an increased risk of heart attacks.
It also affects your immune system, making it more likely that you will get sick.
5. The Quality Of Your Sleep
Many of us aren’t getting as much sleep as we should, but it goes deeper than that. The quality of your sleep matters too.
Even if you technically get eight hours of sleep at night, but you’re awake every hour tossing and turning, it could still affect your health.
Prolonged lack of sleep can cause problems like high blood pressure and diabetes, but it also affects your immune system. With a compromised immune system, you’re more likely to get things like colds and the flu.
Being human means you’re going to get sick every once in a while. However, if you’re dealing with a serious health issue or symptoms that reoccur over and over again, it’s worth your time to see if you can figure out why you’re having so many problems.
With the tips on this list, you can uncover possible causes so you can fix them and get sick less.