Gym Workout with Yarishna Nicole Ayala Otero

Yarishna Nicole is a IFBB PRO Bikini Competitor from Puerto Rico. At the beginning she was a salsa dancer, but after her twin sister got pregnant, Nicole decided to start at a competitive fitness level.
If you’re wondering what is she eating, well… chicken breast, baked potato, fish, oats, green grapes and egg whites.
Her top 3 favourite exercises are running on the track, ab crunches and lunges.
“My greatest motivation is looking in the mirror and seeing the radical changes in my body, knowing it is a product of my effort and dedication.”
Nicole’s Weekly Workout Plan
Monday – gym workout (You can work your legs and buttocks);
Tuesday – cardio exercises (You can do easy home exercises);
Wednesday – the second gym workout ( Abs and breasts exercises);
Thursday – running on the track or running outside if is a beautiful weather;
Friday – the last gym workout ( Arms, shoulders and back exercises);
Saturday – the second cardio workout (Pilates or yoga moves at home or gym);
Sunday is the rest day.
“I believe that the combination of a balanced diet, good supplements
and exercise is the key to a healthy body.”
We present in the video below some of the Nicole’s gym workouts : butt and legs exercises. If you are attempting to follow her Weekly workout plan than use these exercises as the Monday workout.
Gym workout video
Sources: Yarishna Nicole Fans page Bikini Fitness & Fittnes4you Blog