5 Reasons Why You Should Eat Fruit For Breakfast

Every day you’ll hear (on the TV, in a newspaper, on the internet) that eating fruits helps you become a healthier person. So what, should we eat only fruits all day long? The answer is no. Our body needs all kind of foods and we need to know when, how and how much we can eat. Eating fruits for breakfast is a healthy lifestyle. Try it for yourself and you’ll see the benefits. Here are 5 of them:
Why to eat fruit for breakfast ?
1. Fruit for breakfast is the perfect way to ‘break the overnight fast’, as it gently wakes the digestive system and metabolism up from a semi-slumber, all without the harsh adrenal jolt of a coffee or fatty meal.
2. If you eat enough fruit for breakfast you will not require a coffee as the natural fruit sugars keep the brain sharp and energized.
3. Between the hours of 7-11 AM the body is doing the heaviest detoxification, so eating fruits (especially during this time) ensures healing energy is being used for detoxification rather than beingwasted on digesting heavy fatty foods.
4. Fruit for breakfast promotes nice fluffy fruity floaters or in order words – large satisfying bowel movements. The fruit fiber clears the colon like a broom, leaving you feeling light, refreshed and ready to go.
5. People who eat fruit only for breakfast have been shown to be leaner, healthier and more productive during their day.
“Fruit for breakfast promotes nice fluffy fruity floaters–” LOL LOL so true! I write this as I am eating a bowl of fruit myself.