What Superfoods To Eat For Healthy Eyesight

Do you know that there are superfoods that promote healthy eyesight? Check out this list and the infographic to learn more about them.
If you add these superfoods to your daily meals, you can avoid two of the most common vision problems. So let’s see what are these eye problems.
Most Common Vision Problems
Two of the most common causes of vision problems are cataracts and AMD:
- Cataracts are cloudy areas in the lens of the eye.
- AMD (or age-related macular degeneration) causes vision loss in the part of our eye that controls our central vision, the macula.
These conditions are the leading cause of blindness in those aged 55 years and older and more than 25 million people are afflicted with one of these conditions globally.
The antioxidants found in certain vitamins and minerals in our food are thought to play a role in preventing both of these eye conditions.
1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids
People who consume higher intakes of animal-based omega 3 fats have a 60% lower risk of developing AMD compared to those who don’t consume them.
Foods that contain quality sources of omega 3 fats include salmon, tuna, and sardines.
2. Lutein And Zeaxanthin
Foods rich in the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin, for example, can reduce the risk of these chronic eye diseases.
Raw kale is one of the most potent lutein-rich foods at 26.5 mg per 1 cup serving.
3. Anthocyanins And Astaxanthin
The nutrients anthocyanins and astaxanthin also contribute to eye health.
Black currants contain some of the highest levels of anthocyanins found in nature, approximately 190 – 270 mg per 100 g.
There are only 2 main sources of astaxanthin. These are the microalgae that produce it, and the sea creatures that consume the algae e.g. wild-caught salmon.
4. Vitamins And Zinc
The vitamins A, C, and E in particular along with the mineral zinc are all nutrients that contribute to eye health.
- Sources of vitamin A include raw red peppers, carrots, and apricots.
- Foods rich in vitamin C include broccoli, oranges, and strawberries.
- Sources of vitamin E include spinach, almonds, and sunflower seeds.
- Zinc is found in red meat, yogurt, and chickpeas.
In addition to consuming the right foods, other ways to help contribute to healthy eyesight is to avoid certain foods such as trans-fats, sugars, and aspartame.
Getting regular exercise, balancing your blood sugar, and avoiding cigarettes all contribute to healthy eyesight.
Foods For Healthy Eyesight Infographic
Check out this awesome infographic with the best foods you should include in your daily meals to promote healthy eyesight.