Everything You Need To Know About Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is a poorly understood condition, which is becoming increasingly common in the US. This chronic illness is associated with muscular pain, which can radiate all over the body.
If you’re interested in finding out more, here’s everything you need to know about fibromyalgia:
What Exactly Is Fibromyalgia?
Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness, which causes a range of symptoms. The most notable effect is pain, which can affect the entire body.
This condition can affect anyone, but it’s much more common in women than men. It tends to develop in people aged between 30 and 50 years old.
Pain is the most common symptom. However, fibromyalgia (also known as fibrositis) can also result in weakness, exhaustion, and headaches. Some people also suffer from stiff muscles, irritable bowel syndrome and sleep problems. Symptoms can vary from one individual to another.
It’s often possible to treat symptoms to reduce their severity.
In many cases, there’s no clear cause. It is thought that pain stems from abnormal levels of chemicals, which affect the way your body deals with pain. The changes in levels affect the way your nervous system processes and transport pain signals.
Sometimes, doctors believe that there is a trigger for fibromyalgia. Examples may include giving birth, infection, and traumatic life events.
A combination of treatments is usually used to treat fibromyalgia. It may not be possible to cure it, but treatments can ease symptoms.
Types of treatment, which may be recommended include medication and lifestyle changes. Talking therapies can also be beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety or depression. Chiropractic and massage therapy can help to reduce pain.
Exercise has also been proven to help those suffering from this disease. If you’re in pain, and you’re tired, exercise may be the last thing on your mind. But it can help to boost your mood and condition your body.
It’s best to try and combine aerobic exercise with lightweight training. Your doctor or physical therapist can help you to design a suitable workout program.
You may not be able to manage intense exercise, but every little movement helps. If you can’t run, for example, go for a walk. Exercises, which may prove helpful include swimming and cycling.
You may also find that exercises that aim to relax your body and mind are beneficial. If you’re stressed, or you suffer from depression, exercises like yoga may help. Some people also find that meditation helps to refocus and feel calmer.
Help And Support
Fibromyalgia can take over your life and make every day a struggle. Support groups enable you to meet others in a similar boat and share your worries or feelings. Ask your doctor about local groups and charities, or search online for more information.
Fibromyalgia is a long-term condition, which is characterized by pain. If you think you may have fibromyalgia, it’s essential to seek medical advice. There are many treatments and therapies out there, which could help you to feel more comfortable.