Work it With 10 Fast Workouts Under 10 Minutes

Top 10 Fast Workouts
2014 is shaping up to be the year of the quickie workout thanks to scientific proof that high intensity interval training is just as good as longer distance fitness. Uh, score! Gym bunnies can hop on home to try these ten fast workouts from the comfort of your home no matter how much time you have to squeeze in!
1 Minute Plank
You might hate doing it, but doing it for 60 seconds is a fast workout that targets your core and all those body parts you want to be firmed and toned and fab. So just do it already! Bend your elbows 90 degrees and rest your weight on your forearms, keeping elbows directly beneath your shoulders. And keep that booty down.
Add your plank to other minute-long bursts of exercise throughout the day, which experts say give you the same kind of exercise as doing a 10 minute bout of moderate exercise. Or if you’re feeling cray, work your way up to the five minute plank challenge. (via Brit + Co.)
2 Minute Morning Workout
A 120 second storm of power push-up planks, superwoman stretches and windshield wipers for your abs are better than coffee and easier to swallow than a green smoothie in the AM. Commit to doing them before you hop in the shower and you’ll boost your energy and get your metabolism movin’ and groovin’ all day. (via Health)
3 Minute Morning Yoga
These simple stretches will wake up your bod right from bed. Open up your hips and unravel tight muscles from the start with moves that make your insides say “Ohmm.” (via Free People)
Tabata 4 Minute Fat Blasting Workout
This interval workout helps you zap fat with bursts of activity coupled with rest. Now that we think of it, with four minutes you could also just learn the dance to your favorite Beyoncé video, but that might take a little longer to nail. (via Shape)
Hot5 Fitness
Get your fitness fix no matter how you like to sweat with categories like “Fitness Basics,” “Crossfit and Strength” or “Yoga and Pilates.” This free app will give you different workouts that target specific body parts in the time it would take you to read a House of Cards spoiler.
6 Minute Leggings Workout
Aw, thighs get such a bad rap, don’t they?! Help us help you, thighs. Like with this leg, hip and butt workout for looking your best in leggings and beyond. C’mon, thighs, we’re in this twerking together. (via FitSugar)
Quick Fit: 7 Minute Workout
The workout that started it all and kicked off the quickie craze that actually works. Ever since we wrote about this app for the site we’ve been obsessed. It’s simple and proves how easy it is to squeeze in exercise no matter how busy your day was.
There are a lot of seven minute workout apps out there (even one for your Pebble!) but this is our favorite thanks to the clean, simple interface and the helpful tips. Plus, there’s a bonus seven minute ab workout you can unlock for $1.99 to return to your VHS roots.
Tracy Anderson’s 8 Minute Arm Workout
Yes, this Gwyneth Paltrow-approved workout will kill you but in the good way! Tickets to the gun show ain’t cheap but they can be fairly speedy to obtain thanks to YouTube. (via Tracy Anderson)
Chris Powell’s 9 Minute Mission
The Extreme Weight Loss guru created a series of nine minute workouts with wife Heidi to shape and develop muscles, boost your metabolism and increase brain oxygenation. He suggests working them into your routine easily by doing them first thing in the morning five days a week. (via Chris Powell)
Sworkit offers up different 10 minute options for strength training, cardio, yoga and more depending on what area you’re looking to whip into shape. Exercises are easy to follow and the pro version ($.99) lets you save custom workouts and sequences.
What’s your favorite fast workout? Share it with us below!