Is Invisalign The Right Choice For Me? 10 Facts About Invisalign

Invisalign is a popular substitution for metal braces; but is it the right choice for you? Here are 10 must-know facts about Invisalign.
These days more than ever before, a perfect smile is the imperative of beauty. But not only that, having a shiny smile is key to your dental health and oral hygiene. Whether you’re 7 or 77, taking care of your teeth is a must.
Still, many people hesitate to start taking care of their teeth. Some of them are just too scared of dentists, the others are afraid that braces in their mouth will impact their appearance.
People are too afraid of traditional metal braces, but technology has advanced dramatically and today we have modern solutions, like Invisalign invisible braces.
10 Facts About Invisalign
Invisalign became popular worldwide and there are strong reasons for that. I’m presenting you 10 facts about Invisalign you need to consider before you decide to put them on.
1. You’re Never Too Old For Invisalign
People wrongly believe that only teenagers are good candidates for orthodontic treatment. That’s completely wrong.
Anyone who wants to make changes and it’s in good overall and oral health can wear Invisalign.
2. Aligners Are Custom-Made
Invisalign braces are a comfortable, removable alternative to traditional metal braces.
The Invisalign professionals are using cutting-edge technology, using the 3D printing process to create a custom-made aligner for you.
Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign braces can be removed when you’re eating, drinking, or simply when you don’t want to wear them.
3. Regular Dentist Visits Are A Must
Invisalign and traditional braces have one common requirement: THE DISCIPLINE.
Putting the braces on is just the start of the process. So after you put it on, you need to wear it continuously and visit your dentist regularly.
Despite regular dentist visits, you need to pay attention to your teeth. And if you notice any unusual changes, call or visit your dentist to get an unscheduled examination.
4. Your Treatment Time May Vary
How much time you’ll wear your Invisalign depends on how complex your orthodontic situation is. There is no universal period.
First results patients already see in 3 months, or even earlier! That’s why Invisalign reviews are so good.
Although many people thought the main difference between traditional metal braces and Invisalign is the aesthetic, that’s not completely true. Invisalign also gives faster results.
Metal braces usually deliver results in 24 months while Invisalign can treat your orthodontic issue from 6 to 18 months.
5. Temporary Discomfort Is Expected
Let’s be honest, regardless if you’re wearing traditional or Invisalign braces, once you put it on, you’ll feel uneasiness or even pain may appear.
But don’t let this discourage you, it’s just a tiny part of the process. And bear in mind that you’re doing it for your better tomorrow.
The pain will disappear within a day or two, but your smile will last for years.
6. Your Teeth May Feel Loose
Not pleasant but needed, this orthodontic procedure will make your teeth looser. That’s a common process since your main goal is to move your teeth to their ideal spots.
Don’t be afraid that your tooth will fall out, look on that like you’re a few steps closer to your goal – A PERFECT SMILE.
7. You May Have Rubber Bands, “Buttons”, And Brackets
You might receive more attachments than expected. More complex teeth issues are difficult to treat and require additional corrective amplifiers.
Rubber bands, buttons, and brackets are acting as anchors and help dental movements to get into their ideal position.
8. You Need To Clean The Aligners Properly
Prepare yourself to spend more time on oral hygiene. One of the tricks is to have toothbrushes of all sizes in all places where you spend a lot of time (in the office, your friend’s house, in your car, etc.).
Also, don’t use toothpaste since it can cause your aligners to become yellow and murky. The best is to follow guides on how to clean your Invisalign.
9. It Will Cost You The Same As Regular Braces
Many people who are considering Invisalign are concerned about its price. That established opinion is present because this is a modern treatment and offers much more benefit than traditional braces.
Luckily, for those who’re planning to get Invisalign, the price is not bigger than for other orthodontic treatments.
10. A Teeth Retainer Is Still A Must For You
Your treatment is not finished when you’re done with Invisalign. To keep your teeth beautiful and in place, every Invisalign patient still needs to wear a retainer.
Otherwise, there is a risk that teeth will move on their own and set back your progress.
Final Thoughts
Taking care of your dental hygiene shouldn’t be a matter of choice, but mandatory. It’s not just about your physical appearance, but your health.
Hopefully, Invisalign is a great trade-off between medical treatment and a perfect smile, so go to your dentist and shine on.