Face Mapping And What Are Your Pimples Telling You

Face Mapping And What Are Your Pimples Telling You

There are reasons why pimples pop up in certain areas of your face and that’s why traditional Chinese medicine call the face “the window to your health”. Forehead, eyebrows, chin, nose, cheeks, all these indicate what is happening on the inside of your body.

I wanna teach you the basics so next time when a pimple pops up in one of those zones you know how to address the problem to the core.

What pimples areas say about body health

1. Upper forehead

Upper forehead is directly linked to the digestive system: the large intestines and the bladder. When you’ve got poor digestive going your body will have troubles breaking down food and they may build a large amount of toxins.

Try to eat more anti oxidants rich foods or drinks including green tea, lemon water and berries.

2. Lower forehead

According to Chinese medicine this is associated with the mind and spirit. If you have pimples popping up here it may be due to irregular sleep patterns, stress, depression, bad blood circulation, etc.

To avoid this problem try to sleep early, ideally before 11 pm. And find ways to relax your mind. Maybe take a long bath, watching your favorite movie, do some meditation exercises or go in a spa with your friends.

3. Nose

The nose reflects the heart. Pimples on your nose are caused by blood pressure and stress. Again you’ll need to find time to relax.

4. Eyebrows

The window to your liver lies between the eyebrows. Acne in this area may be caused by diet that is high in fat and/or too much consumption of alcohol.

So the solution is quite simple, you know what to do. Or in this case, you know what NOT to do.

5. Ears

When you have some painful pimples on your ears, that’s when you don’t take care of your kidneys. Kidney troubles are often caused by not drinking enough water and taking in too much salt and caffeine.

So be sure to drink plenty of water during the day, cut down on the sodium and caffeine and cleanse your kidneys to get rid of the stubborn pimples.

6. Right cheek

Right side of the cheeks corresponds to the lunges. Pimples born here could be caused by smoking, respiratory stress and allergies.

You might need to take extra care of your respiratory system and avoid smoking or smoking areas.

7. Left Cheek

Acne on the left cheek is a sign of liver problems and that your body is unable to properly absorb nutrients.

Your liver is the strongest between 1-3AM (so you should be sleeping during this time) and weakest between 1-5 PM (don’t do difficult or strenuous work).

8. Mouth and center of the chin

The mouth area and the center of your chin is linked with the stomach and small intestine. Pimples showing up here could be cause by eating too much fast food or constipation.

Try to eat more fresh foods with high fiber such as vegetables, fruits and whole grain foods.

9. Sides of the chin

The sides of the chin is linked with the reproductive organs and the kidneys. Break outs in this area is often associated with the menstrual cycle in women, some levels of hormonal imbalance, the kidneys working overtime or extreme amounts of stress. So I say RELAX!

Traditional Chinese medicine is so profound, what I have covered here is only the very basics and it’s like the top of the iceberg.

Also, maintain proper hygiene and clean your makeup brushes, pillow cases and any other items that make contact with your skin often at least once per week.

I want to remind you beauty is not merely skin deep. You have to take care of your skin and your health from the inside, as well as your appearance.

I hope this was helpful and if you know somebody who has pimples and acne problems you can share this article with them. Stay fit!

Face mapping and pimples

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7 years ago

This is so serious.