Drug Rehab Aftercare Programs That Help You Stay Sober

Recovering addicts struggle to stay sober and clean even after the rehab treatment. So they need these aftercare programs to stay on track.
Going to a rehab center to recover from drug and alcohol addiction may only take 30 to 90 days. However, this is the first step in recovery.
After leaving the rehab center, you will have many recovery years at home and these will come with their share of challenges.
Many addicts find a lot of difficulties when adjusting to life after rehab. This is because they face challenges from external factors and influences that are always luring you back into addiction.
The good thing is that reputed rehab centers such as Lifeline offer aftercare services to patients. This is to enable the addicts to remain sober for many years to come.
However, recovering addicts still carry the biggest responsibility to ensure that they stay sober and clean.
Drug Rehab Aftercare Programs
Below, we will look at some aftercare programs that help you remain sober right after rehab treatment:
1. Facility-Based Aftercare Programs
Different rehab facilities offer their own aftercare programs. This is dependent on both the needs of their patients as well as the state of their recovery.
The aftercare services come in the form of sober living homes, medical evaluations, follow-up therapies, and alumni support groups.
Before you join a rehab center, it is advisable to find the type of aftercare services that they have to offer. This is to ensure that you will receive the right type of care and support right after leaving the centers.
2. Sober Living Homes
A sober living home is a residential facility for people who have just left the rehab center but are still not ready for their home environment. As a result, they still need aftercare that will prepare them for the outside world.
Sober living homes can be part of a rehab center, a government organization, or a private entity. These homes have active programs that ensure that recovering addicts remain sober and ready for the challenging home environment.
Although most sober living homes are suitable for short-time treatments, there are those that offer long-term programs that last for more than one year.
3. Therapies And Counseling
Rehab and therapies are an important part of addiction treatment and are conducted once or twice daily at drug rehab centers in Florida.
Therefore, continuing with counseling right after your stay at the rehab center is very important. This is because it will help the addict avoid the temptations that can lead to relapse.
Many professional therapists advise recovering addicts to continue with counseling sessions even after treatment.
The patients should start with weekly sessions before reducing the frequency to bi-weekly and later, once-per-month sessions. However, this is dependent on their response to treatment.
Therapy and counseling are also important for addicts who have been diagnosed with mental health issues. The mental condition requires special attention for it can jeopardize the process of healing.
4. Support Groups
Support groups are also an important part of aftercare. They are made up of recovering addicts who provide motivation and support to one another.
The groups offer a judgment-free environment where members can share their problems without fear or prejudice.
Aftercare is an important part of treatment for an addict because it not only prevents a relapse but also prepares the addict on how to get back into society.
Therefore, you should find the right aftercare program so that you can reap the benefits of rehab treatment.