Take The Diet Quiz To Find Out Your Ideal Diet Plan

How to pick a diet plan that helps you reach your weight-loss goal and keep the extra weight off? Well, this is not an easy task with all types of diets and weight loss programs that exists nowadays. To help you find your ideal diet plan, we’ve put together a simple and fast diet quiz.
The Diet Quiz
This diet quiz contains 11 questions, each question with 3 possible answers. You need to choose the answer that best describes you and your weight-loss goals.
1. What is your weight-loss goal?
A. To lose maximum 25 pounds.
B. To lose 26 to 50 pounds.
C. To lose over 50 pounds.
2. How easily can you lose weight?
A. Easily if I work on it.
B. It’s a little difficult for me to lose weight.
C. My body is stubborn, it’s really hard for me to lose weight.
3. How do you feel about exercise?
A. It’s not a problem for me, since I enjoy exercise.
B. I don’t mind it, but it’s definitely not easy to get going or to stay with it.
C. It’s difficult for me because I don’t have enough time or because of my health restrictions.
4. What is your age range?
A. You are younger than age 25.
B. You are between 25 and 45.
C. You’re over 45 years old.
5. What’s the reason you want to lose weight?
A. Just to improve my self-esteem and look better.
B. To improve my self-esteem, look and feel better, improve minor health issues and get more energized.
C. To improve my self-esteem, look and feel better, get more energized and improve major health issues (such as arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure).
6. Does your weight really bother you?
A. Maybe just a little.
B. Yes, I’m not comfortable with how I feel and look.
C. My weight is my enemy and I’m desperate to get better.
7. Can you resists foods like pasta or bread?
A. Yes, they aren’t a problem for me.
B. I love them and it’s hard for me to resist them, especially once I start eating them
C. Once I start eating them, it’s almost impossible for me to stop.
8. Is flexibility important for your eating plan?
A. I don’t need a strict plan. If I have a good structure and a starting point I can lose weight on my own.
B. I don’t want a program that’s too restrictive, but I don’t mind having some menus and a specific plan.
C. I think that everything planned would work best for me, since I don’t like to make a lot of decisions.
9. Do you enjoy cooking and planning your meals?
A. I love to cook.
B. I’m a busy person, so cooking is not my favourite.
C. I don’t like to cook at all.
10. For how long are you trying to lose weight?
A. At most 2 years.
B. Between 2 and 5 years.
C. For more than 5 years.
11. How many times have you tried to lose weight until now?
A. At most 2 times.
B. A number of times I’ve lost some weight, but I tend to gain it back.
C. I’ve lost and gained weight many, many times.
What Do Your Answers Mean?
1. If your answers were mostly A’s
You need to follow a traditional weight loss plan with a variety of foods, including veggies, fruits and whole grains.
If your answers were mostly A’s, but it’s very difficult for your body to lose weight, you might still fall into the B category. If you are diabetic or have a family history of diabetes, or struggle a lot with resisting sweets or starches, you might also fall into the B category.
2. If your answers were mostly B’s
You need to focus on a diet packed with proteins. The best choice here is a high protein, low carb diet plan.
If your answers were mostly B’s, but losing some pounds would significantly improve your health issues, then you might still fall into the C category. If you want to lose weight very fast, or don’t like to do meal planning and calorie counting, you might also fall into the C category.
3. If your answers were mostly C’s
Try to follow a meal replacement plan in order to lose weight. For example, replace one or maybe two meals with some delicious protein shakes every day.
Since this diet quiz is more like a suggestion, it doesn’t really matter what type of diet plan you choose. It is possible to successfully lose weight by following a different diet plan than the one indicated by your quiz. The best diet plan is the one you’re comfortable with, the one that feels the easiest for you to follow. Stay fit!