3 Simple Ways To Spoil Yourself Without Spending A Fortune

You can easily spoil yourself without ruining your budget. Just follow these 3 simple tips to save money while taking care of yourself.
We all know it’s important to save some money and stick to a budget – living beyond your means can be extremely stressful and worrisome.
However, life’s too short to save all the time and never spoil yourself. The key to enjoying some fun experiences without killing your savings is to do it in a clever, planned way.
Below are a few strategies on how to get a discount on luxury services. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do…
Spoil Yourself With A Full Body Deep Tissue Massage
A full body massage is the ultimate luxury service that not only relaxes, but heals the body.
In many Asian cultures, massage is considered a core part of taking care of yourself. And weekly or (at a minimum) monthly massages are frequently arranged no matter your income or societal status.
However, in the United States and most other western countries, massage is still considered a high end, luxury service.
While a 45-60 minute massage can cost $99 or more at high end spas, there are a couple of ways to get the health benefits and relaxation at a fraction of the cost.
A few nationwide massage parlors offer memberships with significant discounts. Discounts are usually received as a first-time visitor or if you refer friends for membership.
For example, Massage Heights membership prices (which include first-time visitor) start at only $49.95 at most locations for a 60 minute massage.
There are similar offers from the other national massage chains, such as Woodhouse Day Spa, Massage Envy, and Elements Spa. These companies also frequently offer discounts and coupons on their websites.
Another excellent option for a full body massage discount is to check for a local Chinatown area in your local city. Culturally, massage is an important part of Chinese culture, and is frequently offered very inexpensively.
I’ve found that while the massage parlors in these locations are really no frills – frequently located in a basement or windowless area, with simple curtains separating customers, the actual masseuses are extremely well trained.
It’s possible to spend as little as $30 for a 60 minute massage at one of these Chinatown massage parlors and get an absolutely wonderful massage.
I especially enjoy getting reflexology (a 60 minute foot massage with a few minutes spent on the neck and shoulders).
While the atmosphere is different (no showers or other spa amenities), you still come away feeling like your floating on a cloud six inches off the ground.
Spoil Yourself With A Manicure Or Pedicure
I’ve always felt that a well done manicure is money well spent. The confidence and spring in your step you get from feeling like you look your best is worth much more than the $15-30 it costs to actually get the work done.
Not to mention, the actual experience of a mani-pedi is so enjoyable. At my local salon they always include a mini-foot massage and rub in some lotion to my hands and feet.
I’ve always had an excellent experience and gotten an inexpensive price at Ulta beauty salon, which is a nationwide chain known for high quality beauty products and extremely well trained people.
Do A Yoga Class
I realize some people may not equate yoga with spoiling yourself, but with the right instructor, the atmosphere, physical movement, and a focus on your breathing, it can be the perfect activity to relieve stress and leave you feeling fantastic.
Now, yoga classes in general are not very expensive – they usually run from $10-20 and can also be included in your gym membership (depending on your gym).
However, if you are on a strict budget, there are a couple of low-budget options that have worked extremely well for me.
One of the best options is to look for a yoga class that’s open to the public. My local yoga salon hosts two classes per week that are available for only a couple dollars.
The point of these classes is to expose people who’ve never tried yoga to the experience. The classes are usually crowded, but I’ve also found the teachers to be excellent.
Another option is to use YouTube for a yoga class. If you have access to a small space where you won’t be bothered, there are a number of excellent teachers on YouTube that focus on combining yoga and meditation.
The hidden benefit to using YouTube is that you can choose which body part to focus on, and also do the exact same class repeatedly and therefore notice your improvement easily.
My current favorite YouTube yoga channel is Yoga with Adrienne, but there are dozens of other fantastic yoga teachers online.
These are only a few of the numerous methods you can spoil yourself without spending too much. How do you spoil yourself? Let us know in the comments below.