What Are Some Celebrity Fitness Secrets?

Celebrities tend to stay in great shape because they can afford personal trainers and gym memberships, but you can steal their workout methods and get fit on the cheap. Check out all the celebs in this gallery and find out all the celebrity fitness secrets!
Jennifer Aniston’s Fitness Secrets
Jennifer Aniston is in her 40s, but she could easily pass for a 30-year-old. Jennifer has always been skinny, but now she credits her slim figure to yoga. She rolls out her yoga mat three or four times a week for two hours at a time. In addition to the muscle tone she gains, Jennifer also loves the spiritually cleansing nature of this workout.
Zac Efron
A movie role forced young actor Zac Efron to undergo intense training that would make him look and act like a US marine. He has always been slim, but a diet of protein and worked out five days a week to bulk up. Efron was trained using simple but effective exercises, such as squats, pull-ups, and dead-lifts.
Jessica Biel
Jessica Biel doesn’t have such a great body by accident — she trains hard to look that good! Biel maintains her tiny, yet curvy figure through an intense circuit workout. She does lunges and sprints to burn calories and work her legs, and she also does weight training with dumbbells to improve her upper body.
Penelope Cruz
Penelope Cruz tries to stay in shape at all times to keep herself in top shape for possible movie roles. She uses free weights and medicine balls for strength training, but she balances that out with cardio. Cruz also stays in shape thanks to her love of dancing.
Bradley Cooper’s Fitness Secrets
To train for his role in “The A-Team,” Bradley Cooper took his body from average to awesome. He put in some serious time at the gym — about two hours a day doing cardio and working his core. For the final push Cooper did speed-hiking and stuck to an intensely strict diet.
Will Smith
Despite having a family and being over 40 years old, Will Smith is in great physical shape. He focuses mainly on running, and in fact, he ran for around 30 miles a week when training for “I, Robot.” He also focuses on improving his maximum bench press and makes sure to eat a diet with plenty of protein.
Sandra Bullock
Another star who has managed to maintain her looks for years is Sandra Bullock. This celeb attributes her slender and muscular figure to her special training regiment. Bullock does a lot of weight training, plyometrics, and cardio, but her secret weapons are Pilates and boxing! She trained upwards of four times a week for some movie roles.
Katherine Heigl
Katherine Heigl doesn’t have a lot of time to squeeze in her workouts, and that’s why she almost completely relies on kettlebells. These handheld weights allow for quick and vigorous exercise sessions that have allowed Heigl to stay in top form. When there’s more time, she also likes to mix in some cardio.
Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez loves to dance, so it’s surprise that Zumba is one of her favorite workout activities. This performer needs to keep her body in shape for performances, but doesn’t want to lose all of her curves. That’s why she relies on the TRX Suspension Trainer to target her arms, legs, and abs.
Christian Bale
Christian Bale has been forced to do some crazy transformations to his body over the years, but it’s hard to question his ability to get ripped. To become the Batman, he worked out six days a week using a mix of exercises focusing on improving power and speed. Bale also loaded up on protein and carbohydrates throughout the day to stay energized and to build muscle mass faster.
Source: chacha.com