Breast Myths | Breast Health And Beauty

What Breast Myths Do You Know?
A nice cleavage is extremely important for a woman. Because of the desire to have beautiful breasts we are sometimes tempted to listen and care about some unapproved opinions and breast myths.
According to specialist in plastic surgery, Dr. Silvia Stanculescu, myth that says that sagging skin around the breast is due to sports, cosmetics or creams is very false.
Also, women who think wearing bra cause breast sagging are wrong because, on the contrary, the bra supports the breasts, being anti-gravity.
Often, especially after pregnancy or after the augmentation surgery is recommended to do correct and complete sport. You must put in motion all your body muscles, especially the pectorals.
One of the breast myths says that sun exposure is good for the bust, but breasts can suffer sudden changes caused by excessive exposure to sunlight path. Neither those who prefer solarium are out of danger, suffering from rapid aging skin.