5 Simple Ways To Boost Motivation Whenever You Need It

There are days when you need to boost motivation because you totally lack it. For that kind of day, these 5 simple tips will be really helpful.
Maybe you really love working out and the buzz you can get out of hitting the gym for a good session. But that doesn’t mean that you’re always motivated to get there as frequently as you’d like.
A whopping 23.2 million health club members in the US visit their club at least 100 times a year, which is pretty good going.
But for those of us who lack the willpower to go twice a week, are there any ways to help boost motivation?
5 Ways To Boost Motivation
Here are 5 best ways to boost motivation and bring your focus back on your exercise regimen:
1. Eat And Drink The Right Things
If you’re planning to train hard, it’s best to make sure you’re filling your body with the right fuel that’ll help perk you up and really maximize your workout.
Study shows that gym-goers who have a caffeinated drink before going for a workout are able to train harder than those who haven’t consumed any caffeine. (2)
Muscle fatigue is something that’s likely to affect your motivation to go to the gym for another session too. So why not make sure you consume plenty of protein in your diet to help with your post-workout recovery?
2. Set Realistic Goals
Think about what you want and need to achieve at the gym and make that your goal. Don’t worry about other people’s expectations, just concentrate on setting small, achievable targets.
You’ll be far more motivated if you can accomplish your goals along the way, no matter how tiny they might seem.
Just remember the acronym SMART – you want a specific goal, that’s measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. Keep that in mind when deciding what you want to get out of your trip to the gym. (3)
3. Mind Over Matter
Sometimes a positive mental attitude and mindset are all you need to boost your willpower and motivation.
If you’re not particularly good at giving yourself a pep talk, you might want to seek help along the way. It’s a slightly unusual thing to try, but if you’re looking for clarity and direction, a psychic or medium could be a good place to start.
Boosting your confidence, overcoming any confusing times, and receiving practical and positive advice from a reader could really help boost motivation.
4. Get A Gym Buddy
Going to the gym with someone who’s already more motivated than you is a great way to boost the chances of you going regularly.
If you’ve got a gym buddy – who you really don’t want to let down – you’ll find it far easier to pluck up the courage to go more frequently.
It’s probably best not to choose your best friend for this role. If you’d rather be at a bar together than the gym, you probably won’t be the best influence on one another.
Find someone who’s committed to achieving their own goals and join them. If you’re a competitive person, you may actually find you have more willpower if you’re comparing yourself to someone else too!
5. Reward Yourself
Having tangible rewards after a workout can really boost motivation levels. If you treat yourself to something like a smoothie then you create a neurological “habit loop” where you’re rewarding a specific type of behavior.
As time goes on, this apparently leads the brain to make a link between the behavior and the reward and makes it feel worthwhile. This will boost motivation levels and increase the chances you’ll actually see the trip to the gym as the “treat” by the end.
The key thing is to not be put off going to the gym by a lack of motivation.
It’s perfectly normal, every now and then, to feel like you don’t fancy heading there or lacking the willpower to go to a scheduled class. But just remember the endorphins and the feel-good sensation you experience after a good workout.
Hopefully, the reward, along with these other ideas, will help you boost motivation and get back on track ASAP.