The Only Belly Fat Burning Foods You Need To Lose Weight During The Holidays

Eat these belly fat burning foods on a regular basis to avoid holiday weight gain and even get a bit slimmer by the end of this year.
It comes as no surprise that the holidays might bring some extra pounds. From Thanksgiving to the New Year, you will have plenty on your plate, literally.
This is that time of the year that involves running around to find the best Christmas tree, buying presents, and putting delicious meals on the table.
And we end up stuffing our faces like we stuff the turkeys for Thanksgiving.
Also, if you find yourself struggling to lose weight, this time of the year can make it even more difficult to shed a few pounds.
So if you want to lose weight during the holidays, there are certain foods you can eat that have fat-burning properties.
Yes, we all know it, losing weight can be a struggle and the statistics are proving it. The obese and overweight statistics are getting worse every year, meaning that most of us fail when it comes to reaching our weight goals.
Add these belly fat burning foods to your grocery list and start eating them regularly to boost your weight loss process this holiday season.
Top 5 Belly Fat Burning Foods
These belly fat burning foods are what you need if you want to lose weight and improve your health. Add these to your daily diet and get a boost to your weight loss process.
1. Chilli Peppers
These peppers are great for burning your body fat. The hotter the peppers, the more fat they burn.
The chili peppers contain capsaicin which is a natural ingredient that helps to boost the calorie-burning activity of your body.
They are also great for stabilizing your blood sugar levels. This leads to a significant decrease in belly fat storage.
Chilli peppers are not only great for burning belly fat. They can also add spice and flavor to your food.
Don’t be afraid of the seed of the chili pepper. Eat every part of your pepper and enjoy the fat-burning effect.
2. Eggs
Maybe this comes as a surprise for some of you, but eggs are great when it comes to burning fat. They are filled with protein and nutrients that are great for belly fat burning.
To make sure that your eggs have the best fat burning effect, look for the organic ones when you buy them.
Studies have found that people who eat eggs for breakfast lose twice as much weight as people who consume high-carb foods.
The egg yolks are full of vitamin B12, used by the body to metabolize fat. But don’t go overboard and eat only egg yolks. You need to remember that they contain cholesterol, so you should eat them in moderation.
3. Dark Chocolate
Yes, this is a tasty food that will still help you lose weight. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants that will help your body to get rid of free radicals so your metabolism will improve.
By having a faster metabolism, your body will be able to burn the extra fat faster.
For the best fat burning results, you should eat only dark chocolate that is at least 78% cocoa.
If plain dark chocolate is not your thing, you can add some almonds or walnuts to it to enrich the taste. This will make a delicious snack that is also healthy and promotes fat burning.
4. Fish
Fish and other seafood contain a lot of protein and omega 3 fatty acids. These are super healthy foods that help you burn off extra fat.
You can also find leptin in fish, which is a hormone that helps increase your internal metabolic rate and in turn, it increases the speed of burning stored fat to give your body extra energy.
Sardines contain tyrosine, an amino acid that your body converts into hormones like dopamine and norepinephrine. These hormones stimulate your brain and improve your mental health and alertness. This means that you will naturally be more active and burn off more fat.
If you want to get rid of your abdominal fat, eat salmon and trout. To have the maximum fat burning effect, eat fish 2 or 3 times a week.
5. Cinnamon
This is a belly fat burning spice since it’s so low in calories. Cinnamon is perfect for stabilizing blood sugar levels and forcing your body to store less fat.
It speeds up your metabolism so you will burn off the fat faster. Eat cinnamon regularly to reduce the fat deposits that are already in your body.
Just one or two teaspoons of cinnamon a day can have a great effect on your blood sugar levels, your metabolism, and your weight loss.
Add some cinnamon in your hot chocolate or bake a nice apple pie with cinnamon to easily get your daily dose of this healthy spice.
Don’t Forget About The Exercise!
These are the best belly fat burning food that will aid your weight loss and help you maintain a healthy weight during the holidays.
But for even better and faster results, you need to follow an exercise program a few times a week.
The best fat burning formula consists of a healthy diet and a regular workout plan. Besides maintaining a balanced and healthy diet, do some bodyweight exercises daily.
Choose 5-6 moves that you enjoy and perform them every day. Even as little as 15 minutes of vigorous movement a day can make a huge difference in the long term.
So, this holiday season, add these belly fat burning foods on your shopping list and create a simple workout schedule and stick to it. This is literally all you need to maintain your weight or even get slimmer by the New Year.