Anti Cellulite Workout And How To “Burn The Cellulite”

Anti Cellulite Workout
The only way to get rid of cellulite is to work it off. You can not get rid of cellulite by putting on creams or lotions. Cellulite is the hardest fat to get rid of because it is the closest to the skin and the largest type of fat cell however it can be done with the right anti cellulite workout.
Cellulite is not a cosmetic issue it is a health issue. The only way to say bye bye to your cottage cheese thighs is to work it off.
You have to reduce your fat intake than get to work on the fat to reduce the appearance of cellulite. A diet that is low in fat will help you to effectively get rid of your cellulite. You have to do several different things to get rid of your cellulite. It is the combination of exercise and diet that will reduce your cellulite.
Eating healthy foods that are low in saturated fat and combining different exercises that will help to melt away the fat is exactly what your goal should be when you are trying to get rid of the cellulite.
The Exercises
Cardio, strength and flexibility 30 minutes three times a week can be your anti cellulite workout. Running on the treadmill or using the elipitical at the gym can be your cardio portion. Don’t want to go to the gym then take the stairs at work and really TAKE the stairs, run up them!
You can run through the neighborhood, you can run around your complex. The point is you have to get your heart rate up to burn fat, running is the best way to get the most results in a short period of time. Cardio is key so do not forego it.
Up next strength training. Lifting even light weights can help to burn up fat. At the gym use the machines and get a few reps in three times a week (the more you do the better your results). At home lift heavy cans, milk jugs or anything else that you can find that you can lift repeatedly.
Stretch! Flexibility will bend away the fat. Yoga, Pilates or on your own stretching is also an important part of burning up that cellulite. You can switch things up so you don’t get bored by doing Yoga twice a week and Pilates once or vice versa.
You can bike ride, swim, resistance train and so many other things that will help you to form your anti cellulite workout but the point is you have to do something. There is no magic bullet for cellulite !
good workout