90-Day Weight Loss Challenge To A New You

It’s January and it’s only a few months away from the summer. So I’ve decided to put together a 90-day weight loss challenge for a new you.
I know many of you are or plan to go on a weight loss journey. And, for a beginner, it’s hard to know where to start regarding workout and diet plans.
So I’ve decided to put together a very easy-to-follow workout and diet plan for the next 3 months.
90-Day Weight Loss Challenge
This workout plan is going to be a 5-day workout plan consisting of 3 days total body workout and 2 days cardio interval + core workouts.
For maximum and best results in the next 3 months, I would recommend you to go on the 5-day workout plan together with my full meal plan.
If, however, you are really busy and you don’t have the time, but you will still like to join me on this 90-day weight loss challenge, I would recommend you to do 2 days of total body workout and one day of cardio intervals + core.
Therefore it will be a 3-day workout plan. It will still be as effective.
The meal plan will be between 1200 and 1500 calories for women and between 1600-2000 for men.
Whatever you do, do not consume less than 1200 calories (women) or less than 1600 calories (men).
Starving yourself doesn’t mean losing weight. In fact, if you starve yourself, your body will hold onto the fat you’re trying to burn.
To know how much your body needs or how many calories you should be consuming in a day to lose weight please click on this link. You will be guided step by step to calculate how many calories your body needs in a day.
Clean Up Your Diet
It is very important for you to know that losing weight is 80% nutrition and 20% exercise.
Therefore, if you’re not willing to clean up your diet, if you’re not willing to change your diet, you are basically wasting your time and effort working out.
So the first step is to create a balanced diet. That is key to losing weight.
Every food that goes into your mouth has calories and it will affect your weight and your waistline.
So if you’re really determined to lose weight, sacrifices and serious changes need to be made.
All the processed food, fast food, fried food, chocolate bars, cheese, and dairy products have got to stop.
You are what you eat, so start cleaning up your diet and taking charge.
Weight Loss Isn’t A Fast Process
You need to drop the mindset of quick weight loss solution.
I have received many e-mails from you guys, asking me “How can I lose weight fast?” or “How can I drop 10 pounds in a week?”. My answer to you is as simple as this:
Do not expect to lose weight without any hard work, determination, quality time spent in the kitchen and in your exercising corner.
The recommended weight loss ratio is 1-2 lbs per week and it varies individually.
The more you have to lose, the quicker you will lose the weight because the body has more fat to burn.
When your body has less fat to burn it will take more time to do it because your muscles are toning at the same time.
To lose 1 lb of fat you will be looking at burning 3500 calories on average. So if you want to lose 1 lb of fat per week, you will need to reduce your calories by 500 a day.
That can be done either by cutting down 300 calories from your meal and burning the extra 200 calories for exercising or vice versa.
For every 45 minutes of workout you do, you will be looking at burning 300-600 calories. Burned calories vary individually, because of your age, sex, weight, height, heart rate, metabolic rate, and many more other factors.
Of course, a good fitness tool can help too. It not only tells you how many calories have you burned but can also assemble a personalized training plan for you.
Motivate Yourself
I would recommend you to print both the workout and the meal plan, stick it on the fridge or place it somewhere where you spend most of your time.
Remind yourself why are you doing the 90-day weight loss challenge.
Track Your Progress
I would encourage you to track your weight loss progress by taking a picture of yourself at the start of this 90-day weight loss challenge, then take another one every month.
Also, measure yourself every month to track your weight loss progress. You can also click on this link and the article will teach you how to track and measure your weight loss progress more accurately.
Month One. Adaptation
The first month is always about getting started. If you don’t start you will never achieve your goal. So get ready and get started on this life-changing journey.
This is the hardest month, but stick by it and I promise you by the end of month one you will be looking forward to month two.
In month one we will be incorporating changes and new habits to your lifestyle which you might not be used to, such as:
- The way you consume your food;
- The quantity of food that you consume;
- Starting a workout routine.
If you’re new to working out remember to workout at your own pace.
I know sometimes you’ll be out of breath and just want to give up. Don’t do it! Every step that you do, every move that you do, every workout that you do will only make you stronger day by day.
As for your meal plan, once you start this meal plan, I would say that there will be times when you will be craving your comfort food.
As much as you can, stick to this meal plan because losing weight is 80% nutrition.
Treat yourself once a week to a reward meal where you can have your comfort food, but remember to consume it in moderation.
If you overindulge in your comfort food, even if it’s just one meal, you will be wasting the entire effort you have proved in a week.
Month Two. Progression
So once you have completed month one your body has pretty much adjusted to the workout and you basically know the moves instinctively.
Month two of the 90-day weight loss challenge is about progression.
We can’t stick to doing the same workout and doing it at the same intensity and expect our bodies to change.
Therefore, we need to progress by adding more weights, more reps, and more sets to our workout.
This way you are adding more intensity to your workout as well.
You’ll re-challenge your muscles and turn your body into a fat burning machine.
Month Three. Reflection
Month three is all about reflection and fine-tune.
So look back at your progress and look at which areas you want to tone up more, to work out more, and in which areas you’ll want to burn more fat.
Of course, if you still have more body fat to lose, continue doing total body workouts focusing on major muscles and aim to increase your intensity month by month.
At the end of this 90-day weight loss challenge, I want you to look back on your entire 3 months journey, and congratulate yourself on where you were and where you are right now.
Just take the time and say: “Well done!”
I will be guiding you through this 90-day weight loss challenge, but wouldn’t want you to rely on me.
Instead, I want you to make this your own personal journey in finding out:
- How can I make healthy food delicious?
- How can I make my workout fun?
- And most importantly, be patient with the result.
The best way to learn is to educate yourself on food and exercise.
By understanding what food is good for you and what exercises you need to do you will be able to sustain your weight for life. That is what I want for you!
Remember to be proud of yourself for every step you take towards your goal.
Don’t forget to share the information with your friends and family. Stay fit!
Hi, just wondering if the monday workout is super long? It says the legs and butt shaper 4 rounds of each exercise, a fitness routine of your choice and the 4 rounds of 5 supersets? is that correct do them all?
where are the details on the different workouts you are doing each day for the workout challenge. I see the different types, but where do I find what I am doing for those specific workouts? do i need to look up different ones that fit that workout category?