1000 Squats Challenge Is The Motivation You Need

Today we’re gonna do something a lot more intense. I want you guys to take the 1000 squats challenge with me.
Seems intense and yes, I know it’s going to be. But if you tell your mind you can do this, your muscles will listen. And I know you can persevere and conquer this 1000 squats challenge.
I think we’re gonna have a lot of fun in a muscles-have-been-really-sore way.
1000 Squats Challenge
Let’s go ahead and give this 1000 squats challenge a shot. The first thing to do is stretching and warming up. Don’t forget about this.
So today we’re gonna do 100 reps of each one of the following 10 types of squats:
1. Regular Squat
I’m gonna tell you how to do a proper squat so that you hold perfect form throughout this and that you don’t injure or hurt yourself.
So when you do the regular squat I want your legs hip-width apart and toes pointing forward. Now, you need to push your butt back as if you’re sitting in a chair, chest stays open.
When you’re “sitting down”, knees never go over the toes. Then you lift up.
This is really engaging your glutes, your hamstrings, and your thighs.
2. Narrow Squat
This type of squat is like a regular one but with feet together. So for further types of squats, I’m not gonna explain how to perform them because you’ll be able to see this in the pics.
And if you need more than these pics you can check this video where Cassey Ho really did this 1000 squats challenge.
3. Back Kick Squat
4. Side Lift Squat
5. Plie Squat
6. Calf Squat
7. Froggy Squat
8. Number 4 Squat
9. Prisoner Squat
10. Rolling Squat
If you made it through this 1000 squats challenge your legs are maybe shaking but the good part is you can do anything! Like I said, your mind is what controls your body. So if you say you can then you absolutely can! You just gotta keep pushing yourself.
You know, even if you stopped a couple of times it doesn’t matter as long as you finished the 1000 squats challenge. Congratulations!
How To Lose Weight With This Squat Challenge?
This insane squat challenge might help you tone your muscles, increase muscle mass, and even shed a few pounds if you’re consistent.
But if you want to get slimmer and lose your love handles as fast as possible, a squat challenge is the hardest route to achieving your weight loss goal.
You must add some cardio sessions at least 3-4 times a week, along with following a strict diet such as the Dukan diet.
Whether you’re doing the 1000 squats challenge to lose weight or to stay in shape, your body – and brain – will reap all the undeniable benefits of squats.